Wednesday, March 19, 2014

From ‘Injustice’ to Kingdom-Mindedness

FIGHTING injustices in our lives can be both frustrating and tiring, but, we must know, this is not the Lord’s work of us. Advocating for ourselves is not really our role. We have been tasked with advocating for others; to serve others and not ourselves. No wonder we are miserable when we suddenly deduce the problem; persecution or the cold shoulder are both the devil’s playground when we are caught up in them to the dissuasion of our true Kingdom-minded agenda.
The Kingdom is not about you or me or anyone else.
The Kingdom is about God.
Be Kingdom-minded and all will work out according to God’s perfect will.
When we refuse to be deterred by the responses of broken people – whether for or ‘against’ us – and we keep the eyes of our hearts firmly fixed on the Lord Jesus, we find we have power to do and complete the work assigned by God’s will. As the Holy Spirit confirms the ways of love beyond hurt, disappointment, betrayal, small-mindedness, envy, and other unworthy thought structures, we clamour over these things hardly noticing they are even there.
I have to confess that I’m not very godly too much of the time. I judge and criticise people in the privacy of my own mind and with my wife. When my wife mirrors back to me my vitriolic attitude, then I’m able to see – a day or two later. God’s still at work in me. When I’m judgmental and critical it’s usually me I’m unhappy with, deeper down, and I’m feeling unsafe in my world, not trusting God when I should know better.
I should know, and at times I’ve asked – God simply wants me to do as I’m tasked.
The Lord whispered into my spirit,
“You’re not Kingdom-minded enough.”
What was I to do with this thought?
But to listen to this Divine rebuff.
“What must I do to make this right?”
Trembling as I asked,
He said in his inimitable way,
“Remain in what you’ve been tasked.”
“Don’t worry about people,
Or what they do,
Hold to what I’m doing,
And in that alone be true.”
So there I have it. So there you have it. The less we worry about people – their manipulating and cajoling ways – the better. God knows; God caters for it; he is making a way around and through it all. Trust God and obey and there will be no more pathetic worry to be concerned about.
© 2014 S. J. Wickham.

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