Sunday, August 19, 2012

Whatever Fear Questions, Faith Is the Answer

Fear shakes from pillar to post, but faith secures the foundations.
When we are gripped with fear we do feel shaken. Our whole outlook is affected by the fear and nothing feels certain anymore. This fear tends to shape our every awareness. It taints our vision.
But with faith our vision is secured and all the uncertainty within the imagination is settled. Faith stops fear in its tracks and is the recovery exercise doing all it can to produce the foundation of right action. With faith we see in a steady way and our judgment is secure; even against significant stress.
Fear produces sensations of anxiety, but faith settles every jittery nerve.
Anxious trembling, especially that which is hidden, reveals our confidence is shattered. Times such as these we are overwhelmed. All of our experience is subsumed in a cause for survival that has not hope.
But faith is a miracle. With just enough courage to explore a fix for our anxiety, the fix comes, albeit unexpectedly. This is not to deride such a vociferous foe as anxiety. Faith does not underestimate anxiety, and it therefore has a simple response for us to implement at a conscious level. Faith allows us to relax in the moment. Yes, with faith, a way that will work for us can be shown to us.
Fear causes doubt to whistle through our spirits, where faith ensures a sublime trust.
Fear comes suddenly as a chilly wind through a ghost town. It strikes us when we least expect it. It says, “HA!” It can leave us overwhelmed for hours or days. An unsettled spirit is the cause undetermined, paralysed, betrayed.
Now faith has a different angle, where we can see it. Again, vision is the secret. Against the eerie wind shear comes a settling stillness—space to contemplate. Faith, especially through prayer, brings a sublime trust. We do not know how God gives us this power; all we know is we experience it, first hand.
Fear establishes the end of hope, but faith restores our sense of belief.
With a gripping sense of fear all hope comes to an end. Even if we retain part of our hope, the wonder in that hope is stifled and eventually strangled.
But faith protects our hope through the restoration of our belief. Many times this happens without visible reason—without certainty of hope. With faith we comfortably risk again. We determine it is better to risk losing than to believe in something altogether stifling and strangling. We choose to believe in a hope because of what it does to our spirits to enliven them.
Whatever fear can do to discourage us, faith does better to restore our hope.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

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