Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Redeeming Eternal Patience

We miss something with universal parity; a key piece of life is missed by all; it finds us mutinous. The higher mind goes with ease to Patience but there’s no want of it, for it threatens a cost too dear to bear. Little is it realised Patience has secret treasure well worth her costs.


Pondering the place, considering a spree,

An attitude of grace, patience’s the key,

Despite imbalance of disparaging chaste,

Responds us best to beat now the haste.

Yet, we’re tempted to hurry without second glance,

Ignoring prospect of opportunity’s chance,

Instead decide the easy way for now,

No wonder our soul’s a rustling row!

A third-person standpoint gets the person there,

It’s the prized position of a padded silver chair,

As they gaze out over the distant throng,

Life presents far from glistened aplomb.

One thing this world desperately has need,

A patterned perspective beyond shallow greed,

With wisdom of patience other goals are trite,

Enters resolve to employ Divine might.


The blessings succoured from the redemption and retention of Patience is at realms higher than our capacity to understand. Per grace, wisdom, love and truth, patience is absolutely free, barring the audacious faculty bringing it home.

A requirement is a fortified strength of will just to get us over the hump that is our selfish selves. It’s a journey that no one finds particularly pleasant, but one that’s easier than it looks. It is, of course, the will of God that we make the journey and continue to do so, bridging the chasm that keeps us anchored to our flesh-sold selves.

Just Why is Eternal Patience So Important?

Patience is power for many things. It is personal power and dignifiably so. It’s the edge of brilliance that we see in many successful people but somehow can’t put a finger upon. It has allure and charisma about it.

Unpacking the Poem

We’re placed at the accord of temptation through much of our lives. We enjoy sinning, we really do... some of it at least. That is until we must pay the inevitable price, and always we must do. Sin costs.

Patience corrects sin. Patience is where practice meets holiness, for which it symbolises.

We hurry through life, in all manner of manifestations, and we miss golden opportunities to represent Patience. But the easy, wide way has our attention. Not is it ‘til later that we realise our soul is at torment for it. Patience and peace are close brothers; one is the cause, the latter the effect.

When we depart from ourselves, taking that third-person perspective, we are at last free of the motive against patience. Sight is seen for truth; that safe distance. Seeing things as they are is a revelation to be acted upon.

Patience gives us this space.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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