Friday, June 18, 2010

Shattering the Fallacy of Overload

This is an amazingly powerful truth that the procrastinator in each of us can learn and derive much confidence from. The many ‘cares’ of overload present us almost always with unfounded fear as we dig deeper.

So, if you’re currently in a chaotic flurry, stop!

If you can conceive of it, stop what you’re doing and take a few courageous deep breaths. The problems won’t get any larger while you do this.

Consider this...

Two dichotomous but nonetheless equally salient truths: 1) stopping—as used as a platform for a better approach—can be powerful; and, 2) starting is just as powerful and it can be done any time we please.

A Fact to be Cognisant of

Despite the fact that there are times when we do become overly burdened with many cares, it is not often that average individuals are continually pressured. So, the key issue is in getting over these extraneous ‘humps’ in the flow of work/home life.

Just being mindful of this reality can help us challenge our schedules if life is passing us by in its fury.

A most powerful principle follows...

Just Start and Move Quickly

Breaking past procrastination or a huge workload is about as simple as just starting.

Just starting something, wilfully and positively, is truly a wonderful theme shattering the myths inherent in many attitudinal barriers of fear.

Moving quickly does not mean moving in a hurry; it’s simply moving as diligently across the ground of our tasks as sensibly possible. This is a game of efficiency, not panic.

It’s easy to renew our approach to life’s work right now by just beginning from wherever we are.

Take Micro-Pauses to Derive Confidence

Micro-pauses in this context happen in the flow of the moment.

We don’t even need to stop; we just choose a routine moment to place the mind on auto-pilot, so we can enjoy the reflectionthe work just done—as impetus and motivation onto the next plane of the tasks at hand.

This is intelligent use of time in the context of the resources of energy available to us. This truly is rooted in multitasking—yes, a skill even men can acquire and practice!

‘Burst’ Tactics

The sporting term ‘burst player’ is not used that much these days, but we can sustain an enormous amount of momentum for an hour or two—or even one full day, if necessary.

It’s actually quite easy to manage a full-day’s work in two or three hours if we’ve harnessed the tenacity of focus required.

When we routinely apply this method, we can gain for ourselves much valuable downtime, or use the extra time we get to give us options and possibilities i.e. freedom. This creates empowerment and contentment.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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