Sunday, August 23, 2009

Being “Expressive” – From The Thought-Enriched Mind

There are so many creative minds in the world that struggle to express themselves in ways and solutions that bring the glorious thought to fruition. They explore but cannot seemingly exploit their ideas. Others exploit their ideas but the ideas themselves are nothing to write home about because the exploitation of the idea hasn’t been fully explored.

Problem One –Beautiful Thoughts Undelivered

Balthasar Gracian writes about this regarding clarity of thought informing action:

“[To be expressive] depends not only on the clearness but also on the vivacity of your thoughts. Some have an easy conception but a hard labour, for without clearness the children of the mind, thoughts and judgments, cannot be brought into the world.”

This describes our first problem—people who find it hard to realise the potential of their thought-world. They’re artists cognitively but all the work’s locked up where no one else can admire it. The problem here is one of release.

For the rampant explorer who cannot seemingly exploit their ideas, there’s a lot to be said for further exploring the means of exploitation. By this I mean does an art form help? Does a jog in the park help? Does a good dose of courage help? There must be some way that the labour of thought might be facilitated without it becoming a forceps or caesarean-section delivery.

One thing for certain, trying new things is bound to realise for you and I ‘the how’ of this issue eventually. This ‘how’ is a personal issue; it’s uncovering the mystery of one mind (i.e. our minds individually) alone.

Problem one often leads to problem two—the two are linked.

Problem Two – Incoherence of Thought

Then there’s the second problem. People who have no problem expressing themselves—they just don’t express very well what they mean.

Our thoughts must have coherence about them. It’s no good stammering though our explanations of things. We have to first order our thoughts and self-audit them, checking their arrangement from the listeners’ likely hearing point.

Patience of method is required. It requires diligence. It also requires an acute understanding as to the audience’s real needs—perhaps they don’t even know what their real needs are. It’s therefore for us to explore the matter with this mindset.

A Vision for You, a Vision for Me

Imagine being so coherent and aligned in thought and action; so simplistic, yet so effective. Imagine the mind being a fertile playground where the richness of thought arises from a deep congruous well and forms speech and action through a fountain—as on a warm sunny day—to an unsuspecting, yet admiring, world.

This is your mind—nourish it! Think. Explore and exploit the mental processes. Become proficient at it—almost everyone can.

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